Splendid Offer for Electricity and Gas from Origin for ACT Local

There might be also similar deals for people that are not ACT residents, but the deal would probably be not as great. There might be a time limit for this deal, as the gas credit for $50 lasts until Oct. 31, but you can probably ask them for the deal even when the deal ends. If you want to gain more information, you should use the Ph 1300 674 446 and then put in the code 210. When you did all this, a person would help you out. The deal consists of getting a 14./. discount for electricity if you pay completely and on the proper date. This 14./. discount lasts for twelve months, and you get a 1./. more discount if you pay by direct debit. You can also get a 8./. discount on gas if you do the same action as what you did for electricity, and the 1./. addition is also the same. In addition, you can get a $50 credit (deal ends at Oct. 31) if you use Origin for your electricity and natural gas. Eco friendly options are available (Green Power) for $1 is available per week, but this deal is not offered everywhere.