The Secret of the Masters Revealed: Portrait Photography: FREE

Get perfect portrait shots all the time, learn the secrets to great poses and lighting effects. Be a Professional! Check out the latest offer from amazon, eBook: Stunning Portrait Photography - Posing and Lighting. This eBook used to be $8.92, but you can now have it free. If you are into the portrait photography business or simply a photography enthusiast, this is the tool that will surely improve your stock. Learn the art of getting the best out of your subject. VArious topics are discussed, such as The "Loop Lighting" Pattern, The "Rembrandt Light", The "Butterfly Light" Pattern, The "Fill Light"!, The "Lighting Ratios" and The "Background Light". Various techniques for shooting the the full face, the lips and others, even the different positions of the arms.Check this out, and be a pro in no time.