Great Buy! Get a 7" Black Portable DVD Player for only $72.99!

Aare you always on the go? Are you a movie enthusiast? Do you love watching films that you wish you could take all of them with you when you go somewhere? Well wish no more because now you really can! Buy a portable DVD player from Olin! The model is PD-720B DivX/MPEG4 and you can buy it for as low as $72.99, which is a lot cheaper compared to its price from other sellers, which could run up to $149.95! The DVD player has a 16:9 inches widescreen. It also has a built-in speaker and it can play DVD, DVD-R/RW and other file format and has an AC Adaptor and a car charger! For more details about the offer, please visit the 1 deal a day website!