Humble Store Offers a Great Sale [Up to 85%] on DRM-Free Games

The Humble Store offers a great selection of games at great prices for PC, Mac, Linux and Android. They offer up to 85% discount on various DRM-Free games or Steam Games or both at their store. This is a very exciting offer for the game lovers. And for the DRM-Free lovers and Steam Haters this offer is nothing but the best. There are some games listed below which are on the sale: *The Impossible Game *Don't Move *Vertical Drop Heroes HD *Final Fantasy XIII *Goat Simulator *Five Nights at Freddy's *Mini Metro (Early access) *Middle Earth : Shadow of Mordor *Mountain *Gods will be Watching and many more. Keep watching the site as the price varies time to time. You can get your desired game at a very cheap price if you keep yourself updated with Humble Bundle.