Save 33% on Display Fusion this week! only at Binary Fortress!

Grab this once in a bluemoon deal! Get 330% discount on software licenses through Display Fusion Pro. Display Fusion will let you have a smooth and pain-free dual monitor experience. If you have three or more monitors, you'll still get the same pain-free and conveniently simple experience. Add a taskbar that functions the way a normal Windows taskbar would, or get multi-monitor wallpaper support. You can even integrate Vladstudio and Flickr when you search for images as well as when you're customizing your windows management hotkeys. All these and more for really cheap prices! Get a Personal or Home License for $23.45, or bulk licenses: 1 for $16.75, 2 for $13.40 each and 3 or more for $11.73 each. If you feel like you want to try it out first, you can do so with their trial period. If you want the free version, Display Fusion alo has it!