Humble Dynamite Bundle puts their Digital Comics on Great Sale!

Have you always been a fun in reading comics and laugh your stomachs out as you read their humorous conversations? if that is the case, then humblebundle gives you an amazing treat as they put their digital comics on a massive sale!. get the different issues of your favorite comics as they are now priced in a much, much lower cost. furthermore, this sale means that the more you buy items and purchase products, you're more eligible of getting humongous discounts and savings! Here are some of the featured items: Project Superpowers Vol. 1, Vampirella Masters Vol. 1 & 2, Sherlock Holmes Vol. 1: The Trial of Sherlock Holmes, Chaos! #1, Vampirella vs. Fluffy, My Little Phony: A Brony Adventure and Cryptozoic Man #1-4, plus the entire collections of Amanda Hocking's The Hollowland and The Mocking Dead.