Get the Destiny Vanguard Edition for only $69 (save up to $39.95)

Enjoy the Destiny Vanguard Edition for PS4, PS3, XBOne and XB360 for only $ 69 at JB Hi-Fi. Save up to $ 39.95 on this deal and enjoy hours of game and excitement. Oz Game Shop sells it at $ 77.99 for PS4 / XBO, valued at $72.99 for PS3 / XB360 and is sold at $ 75.99 for PS4 / XBO for Regular Version. EB Games has it $ 99.95 for all 4 platforms and Dick Smith. Regular version is $ 69.98 at Dick Smith. With this price of $ 69 it is really a great deal for it gives you up to $39.95 worth of savings.