Deal on Crucial MX100 512GB SATA 2.5" 7mm USD$200 at Amazon
The best price out there for the Crucial MX100 512GB SATA 2.5" 7mm is only at Amazon, with $199.99 USD, including delivery. It comes with a 9.5 mm adapter and it is available as 2.5" 7mm SATA III at 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB capacities. The 256GB and 512GB incorporate the Micron's new 90 Series 16nm 128GB NAND. The performance at all the capacities shows how greatly it has improved over M500. Also, every MX100 contains a download of Acronis True Image 2014 OEM Edition PC backup and recovery. The last time you were able to get this product for a price lower than $200 was early in May, so this may be the last chance now for this year!