Only $499-$599 for XB1 and PS4 Console Bundles

JB HI-FI is now offering console bundle deals which include a variety of games. Play the role of human escort as you journey through the dangerous post-apocalyptic world in the remastered version of The last of Us. Take on pirates in the perilous cities of Nassau, Kingston, and Havana in Assassins Creed Black Flag. Both games plus a PlayStation 4 can be yours for $499. Remove The last of Us Remastered from the bundle and add Infamous Second Son, Bungie's Destiny, and Knack, and pay just $599. Get the Xbox 1 bundle that includes the console plus Assassins Creed Black Flag, Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, and Destiny, all for just $549. This XB1 bundle can be pre-ordered in the store.