Deal on Console Bundles @ JB Hifi - PS4 for $559 @ others

Gamers be ready to spend some serious cash. The JB Hifi deal has some great prices. You can find XBOX ONE Halloween Bundle:XBOX One Standalone Console, The Evil Within, Alien: Isolation for $539, XBOX ONE Hot Offer #2: XBOX One Console with Kinect, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Forza Motorsport 5 (download token) for $599, PLAYSTATION 4 White Bundle: PS4 Console, Call of Duty Ghosts, Watch Dogs for $559, PLAYSTATION 3 Hot Offer #1: PS3 Slim 500GB Console, GTEK HDMI Cable, Battlefield 4, Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception, Grand Theft Auto V, PS3 Dual Shock Controller Black for $399, XBOX 360 Hot Offer #1: Xbox 360 500GB Console, GTEK HDMI cable, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghosts, Call of Duty Black Ops II (download token) & Borderlands 2 (download token) for $279. A bit of everything is included. Check these and others out.