Get 25% discount on Computers at Domayne / Harvey Norman

Domayne / Harvey Norman (103 - 123 Parramatta Rd, Auburn, NSW store only) is holding a sale on multiple items from 6:00pm - 12:00am on December 9, 2014. Customers get an 11% discount on an Apple Mac (offer does not include iPad, iPhone, items listed in catalogue, or lines advertised). There are specific computers priced with a 25% discount. Buy media in the itunes store with a BOGO sale: between 7:00pm and 9:00pm, purchase a $20 itunes card and get an extra one at no charge. With your purchase of cooking appliances, whitegoods, small appliances or any electrical item, you get a 40% discount on the second electronic item. Between 6pm and 12pm, if your receipt total is at least $100, you are entered into the $500 Domayne Gift Voucher draw.