Save up to 51% on Coles/Bi-Lo weekly specials

Coles is having a sale and is offering a great deal on lots of their great items . Get up to 51% off great items on Coles/Bi-Lo weekly specials. Fill up your grocery bags with products like Betty Crocker Muffin, Cake or Cookie Mix 470 g - 600 g available for only $2.40 (S ave $2.47, 51% off ), Duracell Coppertop AA Batteries 16 pack, $9.49 ( Save $9.50, 50% off ), Guylian Sea Shells Selections 375 g, $8.99 ( Save $9, 50% off ) , Sistema Klip It Food Storage Containers 6 pack, $7.50 ( Save $7.50, 50% off ), Schick Hydro 5 Blade Razor 1 pack, $5.99 ( Save $6, 50% off ), Cadbury Medium Bars 30 g - 60 g, 92¢ (Save 93¢, 50% off) and many more.