Coles Express vouchers and DD coupon for a total of $30

Good news to all Coles Express customers. You can purchase the Coles Express Gift Voucher for $24.95 only! To sweeten the offer, you will also get extra $5 DealsDirect Gift Voucher. It is easy to take advantage of this bargain. You just have to shop at Deals Direct for more than $50 without adding into it the delivery fee. This bargain is good and worthy an attempt. The Coles gift coupon can be used at any of their express stores. You have to sign up as DealsDirect member to be entitled for this bargain. With that in mind, you can then purchase up to 1 gift coupon booklet. It will have 1 Chocolate Bar Coupon, 1 Met Pie Coupon, 1 Ice Cream coupon, 2 Coffee coupons and 1 of $5 DealsDirect gift voucher.