Funky Bar is Throwing a Cocktail Feast Party for Just $49!

Enjoy a scrumptious cocktail feast party at mouthwatering discounts at Newtown's Funky Bar. With just $49, you'll get to enjoy the best cocktail feast party ever. It's a two-course meal for two people with plates, cocktails, and mains being two, respectively. To appetise you, ratatouille tartlette of goat's cheese will be flavored with either exotic mushroom ragout or olive tapenade. Also, the ratatouille tartlette is flavored with pine nut sautée, baked eschallots, and crimson-colored grapes. They'll be served on a wilted spinach bed. Then, you'll be served slow-baked porky belly together with lyonnaise potatoes, red cabbage, crackling, and burgundy wine jus. Alternatively, you'll be served a black olive crustacea, a salmon, and a fennel, spinach, parmesan, tomato, and basil.