offers 100GB Free Cloud Storage w/ 2GB Size Limit!

Get 100GB extra storage for all your files and collection such as videos, music, documents and images when you use Cloud Storage. This is a free offer brought to you by your friends from Shared. Is it Ad supported? Yes, but it's free and free stuff is always good! File should be limited to 2GB in size though and file download should be one at a time. Mega Link also gives you additional 50GB Cloud Storage so if you add them together you basically get an extra 150GB! Data encryption for upload is done and data decryption is also done for download although this happens only after data has been completely downloaded to the computer. Other offers include 1-Yr FREE subscription to Pure Nintendo Magazine with an August sign-up, $3.25 Android ROM Toolbox Pro, Free Wooden Labyrinth 3D, Kingdom Rush Frontiers App ($0.99 iPhone/$2.99 iPad)!