Bargain Prioce for Cherry MX Board keyboards at $54 and $66

Cherry MX Board Switch keyboards are now available for pre-order at evatech. Before, a few hundreds were sold in just a week so for customers not to miss out on it again then they are offering a pre-order for a very low price of $54 (Blue) and $66 (brown). There will only be limited stocks so the pre-orders will only be confirmed upon payment. [Please remember to pay online to secure the pre-order if selecting in store pick up]. The CHERRY MX-Board captivates with it's world-exclusive use of Gold Crosspoint contacts in the MX modules, ensuring perfect and extremely fast keystrokes. This Switch Keyboard is now even sturdier and more robust making it perfect for every type of input. It has a detachable cable and an integrated metal plate with anti-slip protection.