Chef Fine Foods for Free Delivery Goes with Free Tomato Kasundi!

Farmhouse direct offers very low prices for its fine chef foods which you can now order to get freebies! Apart from free delivery right to your door of Farmhouse Direct's finest foods, you can also get Tomato Kasundi for free which is worth $10! Here are the list of items you might want to try on. Your order must is not limited to as much as how long you want it to be:Rhu Bru - North East Coast, TAS; Louisa Morris Cakes - High Country, Vic; Redbelly Citrus - South Central, NSW ;Waggle Dance Honey Company - Great Southern, WA; Raw Honey - Murray, VIC; Table Top Garden - Hume Murray, NSW; Lisadurne Hill Olive Grove - Goldfields, VIC; and a very special Ruby Lou's Spiced Cherry Jam for only $7 which comes along with Free Tomato Kasundi (200g)!