Get a deal for 25% off wit cheap tickets using Hotel Coupon Codes

To get this deal make sure to type in the coupon code before searching for a hotel, so you will be directed to the hotels that accept the promotional code. 20% off on 1 night with Coupon Code TAKEOFF 22% off on 2 nights with Coupon Code OUTTAHERE 25% off on 3+ nights with Coupon Code LETSGO Conditions: Book through \CheapTickets, using the coupon codes for the respective days (1 or more, 2 ore more, 3+) and you will receive 20% off for the first option, 22% for the second, and 25% for the third one. The codes cannot be passed on to others, only one discount may be used per hotel room and one promotional code/booking. While booking please look for "PROMO CODE ELIGIBLE" information. Happy booking!