$35 Cebu Pacific return ticket to Manila from Kalibo (Boracay)

If you are looking for a return travel deal from Kalibo (Boracay) to Manila, you can have it in here. Cebu Pacific Air recently offers Php1 (1peso) flights between Kalibo and Manila. Many grabbed this opportunity of getting low fares but for return ticket, it seems not all have paid attention to it. So, here we go. You can get a return flight at Php1,382.04 or $34. This need to have a travel date between 15th September to 31st December of 2014. I got mine ASAP for November. PhilAir and Zest have it for Php2,300 or $56. See the difference? You also need to remember that Kalibo is the primary airport of Boracay and it will take 2 hours for land travel. Thus, you will be spending Php350-500 or $9-$13 each way. I suggest take this promo while it last to save big while enjoying the vacation: https://www.cebupacificair.com/