Get 7 Apps & 4 Design Goodies for Mac at BundleHunt ($49.99 USD)

Looking for some apps for your Mac that will help you be more productive? Grab these amazing apps from BundleHunt's Productivity Bundle and you're sure to gain your productivity. The bundle includes seven Mac apps and four goodies for only $49.99 USD that are originally valued at $586! The apps include iStopMotion that allows you to create your very own stop motion movie, LittleSnapper that lets you screenshot pictures, TotalFinder for effortlessly bringing tabs to Finder, Default Folder X for saving your files and instantly opening folders, Typinator that types your frequently used words for you, Smashing E-Book Bundle that contains six books on web development, Keyboard Maestro that lets you record your own macro shortcuts, GlyphOcean that includes 1,500 vector icons, ThemeFuse that lets you choose four premium WordPress themes and more goodies.