Buy a Bundle Containing six Games at IndieRoyale for only $5!

IndieRoyale is having a sales galore for digital games at its online stores. All you need to do is simply visit the website of IndieRoyale and download a Graduation Bundle containing six games for only $5! IndieRoyale has some amazing stuff in store for you. For example, "Cult Russian", "The Void", "The Ship", "AirMech", and "Dead Pixels" are offering you the best out of deals. This deals is probably good because if you buy the games individually, the cost higher. For example, if you download "Dead Pixels" with keys as a standalone using Desura Steam, you'll pay USD $9.99. These games are available for Mac and Windows OS. This is a superb deal because it also comes with Cheap Dinosaurs' album for self-titled chiptune.