Breville BES900+BCG800 Grinder+BaristaCourse for $1259 @DJ's

Introducing David Jone's Package Sale on Breville BES900 (RRP $1499)+ Free BCG800 Grinder (RRP $299) + Barista Course ($110) All at the amazing price of only $1259! Make Espresso like you've never made them before with the BES900 from Breville that has precision temperature and pressure control, Dual Stainless Steel Boiler heating system, powerful steam on demand, 15 Bar Italian pump with low pressure pre-infusion and regulated maximum extraction, and water tank capacity of 2.5 liters. You can't get anything that good for that low price as only David Jones can give you. COme visit us at our site for more info about this great bargain.