Borderlands PC Game Four Pack Bundle on Steam for $134.97

Steam is offering a great sale on the PC game Borderlands. You can get the four pack bundle of Borderlands via steam for a cheap price of $134.97. Borderlands is an action role-playing first-person shooter video game in a space western / science fantasy setting. Borderlands includes character-building elements found in role-playing games and has a co-op feature, so getting this deal is best together with 3 of your friends. Borderlands features four-player 'drop-in, drop-out' cooperative online play in addition to a single-player mode, and two-player split screen co-op modes for consoles. Much of the gameplay consists of traditional first person shooter elements, combining a selection of weapons to use and a selection of enemies to battle. Players also have access to color customizable vehicles for vehicular combat. Deceased enemies drop random equipment, which is available to pick up.