Do the Daily Boost Challenge and get FREE Boost Juice!

A 10-Day Challenge in exchange for FREE Boost Juice starting with Undie Monday, so show up at Boost wearing your underwear on the outside or on your head! Day 2 is Throwback Tuesday, so wear your best 80s Rock n' Roll getup! Watermelon Wednesday is Day 3, so wear a Watermelon Helmet! Turn up for Pirate Thursday at Day 4 with your best Pirate Costume! Day Five is Fairy Friday, so wear a fairy costume! Mohawk Monday is Day Six so show up with a Mohawk (wigs are OK). Day 7 is Teddy Tuesday so bring a teddy bear larger than a regular-sized boost. Day 8 is Animal Onesie Wednesday, so wear an animal onesie! We have Flouro Fursday for Day 9, where you have to dress in fluoro clothing, hair, and make up! Lastly we have Foil Friday, so show up in a full foil costume!