Taste BOGOF Waffle and Poffertjes and get voucher from GOUD

Taste BOGOF Waffle and Poffertjes and get a chance to redeem voucher from GOUD Poffertjes Stall. These BOGOF Waffle and Poffertjes are one of the most amazing waffles you'll every had. There is a branch located in Garden of Unearthly delights. These Waffles and Poffertjes are cooked to perfction to satisfy your mouth. It is soft, sweet and chewy so you will definitely love it. The waffles and poffertjes are worth $8. To redeem this offer, a Facebook like is required. All you have to do is like the Facebook page of BOGOF Waffle/ Poffertjes and you will redeem the offer. It is easy so get one now!