Umbrella Entertainment Offer Great Deals on Blu-Ray,Each on$8-$10
![50%OFF Blue Ray Discs Deals and Coupons](/otherImages/2482.jpg)
Getting bored by sitting lazy? Want to entertain yourself with some great movies? Umbrella Entertainment brings the opportunity to buy Blu-Rays only at $8 to $10 per piece. You have to pay additionally $1.20 as shipping charge only. Now enjoy the Blu-Ray quality movie by sitting home. The Blu-Rays are available for the following movies: *Adaptation *Barb-Wire *Betty Blue *BMX Bandits *The Buddy Holly Story *Child's Play *Dawn of the Dead *Deep Red *Dogs in Space *El CID *Eraserhead *Heathers *King Kong *The Last Emperor *The Last House on the Left *Le Mans *Night of the Living Dead *No Retreat *No Surrender *The People vs Larry Flynt *Puberty Blues *Showgirls *Slither *Star Man *The Way and many more. The big sale will end by midnight May 22nd. Don't be late to get your desired Blu-Rays.