COTD offer you BlazeGear Handheld video game for kids:@19.95

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50%OFF BlazeGear Handheld Video Game Deals and Coupons

Get your kids some this cheap and classic video game, keep them busy, and entertained during holidays and after reading. Catch of the day is offering you Blaze Gear Handled Video game at $19.95. This game is designed for kids and not professional gamers. This video game is of sonic edition and comes with 30 different games. The package will also include AV cable that allows you connect to your TV and play just like a home video game console. The 30 featured games include Golden axe, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Dr. Robotnik's mean Bean Machine, Sonic the Hedgehog triple Trouble and many more. This is a great way to reward your children when they perform well at school. Remember, you also get the video game delivered and shipping for free.

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