Buy A BioShock Infinite PS3 For Only $13.99

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have a PS3? Well, this deal is for you! For only $13.99, you can buy and enjoy the amazing BioShock Infinite PS# on US PSN. This is very cheap compared to the market price of PS3 today. All you need is a US PSN account and you're all set. The PS3 allows user to have multiple worldwide accounts. Aside from that, games can be downloaded to those accounts. This is very easy to use and very handy for users. Other sales include: Diablo III for $39.99, The Last of Us for $39.99, Saints Row IV for $29.99, God of War: Ascension for $19.99, Deadpool for $24.99, Splinter Cell: Blacklist for $29.99, Rayman Legends for $29.99, and more! Hurry now for a chance to experience this low priced PS3!