Back to the Future Trilogy at MightyApe for $13
The Back to the Future franchise is an American comic science-fiction adventure film series.The main plot follows the adventures of a high school student, Marty McFly played by Michael J. Fox) and an eccentric mad scientist, Dr. Emmett L. Brown played by Christopher Lloyd, as they use a DeLorean time machine to time travel accidentally back to 1955. Marty McFly must make sure that his parents meet and fall in love, so he can go back to the future. The series continues as Marty and Doc Brown visits 2015 and discovers that Marty's family is in ruin and try to resolve the problems. But when Marty and Doc are about to go back to 1985, a lightning bolt hit the Time Machine and went back to 1955 to try to save the future. On the third leg of the series, Doc Brown was trapped in 1885 and Marty needs to go back to save the Doc and Marty finds Doc turned as blacksmith and needs to get back to the future, But, Doc fell in love with a school teacher Clara Clayton and marry her and stayed behind. Doc's last words of wisdom is that nobody knows their future, so they "must make it a good one." Enjoy this vintage comedy of all time Movie, in Blu-Ray Disc- Box Set of Back to the Future Trilogy for $13 plus $4.90 Shipping only at Mighty Ape.