50% off on Baby Love Nappy Pants at Coles!

I found a good deal that mommies would love to get for their children. Baby Love Nappy Pants are on sale! Coles cuts the original price of these nappy pants into half. Yes, you can get 50% discount on different nappy pants in 28, 25, or 20-pack. For example, the Toddles Nappy Pants (9-14 kg) 28-pack, which originally costs $16.99, drops the price to $8.49! The other sizes of nappy pants also have discounts. The Walker Nappy Pants (12-17 kg) 25-pack and Junior Nappy Pants (15-25 kg) 20-pack are also available for as low as $8.49. All of these nappy pant are unisex. This Coles deal can be purchased online in WA (Inglewood Store).