Apple offers iPad Interactive Bedtime Story FREE until Aug 18!

Even during bedtime, children aged 2 to 4 can continue learning and exploring their world with the help pf Apple's Interactive Toddler Bedtime Story for iPad, which is currently free at Apple itunes (it will only be free until August 18 so you might want to get it now! After Aug 18, it will be available for $5.49 AUD or $6.49 NZ). The game which presents the story entitled Nott Won't Sleep showcases soft and soothing music, thematic gameplay, and placid and child-appropriate animations and graphics. Toddlers can help Nott get ready for bed in three different scenes with each scene being connected to various parts of going to sleep. The story line is by international novelist Renate Dorrestein and the game, developed by Monobanda, incorporates psychological child development and happiness research by The Trimbos Institute. The bedtime music featured in the game is by Claynote.