Just $155, Have AOC 2436vw Full HD LCD Monitor 23.6" (IT Estate)

iTestate online is giving a big discount on the AOC 2436vw Widescreen Monitor. You can have it now for as low as $155! You just have to pay a reasonable amount of $20 for shipping and handling. You can also opt to pick up the item at 5/213 North Rocks Road North Rocks NSW 2151. So far, it is the best offer on widescreen LCD monitor now. You will enjoy the resolution of 1920X1080p, get 160/160 viewing angles, HDMI/VGA plus the cable, in high sheeny Black Bezel finishing, 23.6" in size, EPEAT Gold for minimal environment effect and more! You can either wall-mount it or place it on top of table. It comes with TouchKey control but without speakers. You can buy 2436vwh model for its compatible speakers at their website too.