Android: Customer Events and Records - CRM Journal now at $20

Rated with 4 stars at Amazon, this new app in the market requires no network connection, no data plan nor any payment for you to finally reorganize your days amids busy schedules. This works best for hectic scheduled professionals, business people, engineers, photographers, contractor, whose clients are very much at stake due to overlapping itineraries. With CRM Journal installed in your mobile smart / android phones, you can now add, update, search and organize your clients and events. This app also provides creative color themes to further make your journal look neat and orgaized. It also has custom templates and file/document attachments necessary to keep track of your videos, photos, audio records. With this app, you can 1) calculate 2) convert voice to text 3) export and import data from other existing aplications by uploading CSV files, 4) take photos 5) Print and Save HTML data or text formatted data for transfer to email or memory cards. This app is fortunately available at anytime you need to purchase it!