Save as much as 30% on TIGER & QANTAS Flights

Fly to your favorite destinations with QANTAS and Tiger Airways ans save as much as 30% on your flight purchase. Tiger Airways is having a sale and is offering 30% Off on all one way TIGER flights. Some of the great deals for grab are Mel - Ade for only $37, Mel - Syd at only $45, Mel - GC for as low as $61, Mel - Per for only $108 and many more. QANTAS is also having its seat sale and the Qantas Global Sale is for all flights departing Melbourne. Some of the deals are $ 244 for one way to Auckland, departures from 1 April - 30 November 2014 ; $ 946 for return to Hong Kong, departures from 16 March - 5 December 2014 and a lot more.