Buy the Novo 10 Hero tablet on Ainol Store's site for only $179

Black Friday is perhaps the best time of the year for all of us folks who love electronic appliances and gadgets. We do not only get the chance to choose our favorite computers or tablets; but we also get the opportunity to play God and purchase almost anything we like. One big offer on Ainol's online store is the Ainol Novo 10 which can be delivered straight to your home for only $179. This will also be inclusive of accessory bundles and warranty. Specifications of the 10.1" tablet include the latest Android 4.1 OS, A9 Dual Core 1.5GHz processor, RM Cortex A9 Dual Core, Amlogic8726-M6 CPU, 1280x800 high resolution DDR3 1GB RAM, and HD Dual Camera Front 0.3M pixel