Sale on AEOLUS TD906 Stand Grooming Dryer $550- Oz Grooming World

Pet owners all know how much we love our dogs and cats and want them well groomed. At Oz Grooming World, they are offering the AEOLUS TD906 Stand Grooming Dryer for Finishing for pet grooming for $550.00. It is the worlds first professional pet dryer with ionic technology. If we can get good treatment, why can't out dogs and cats right? This dryer has an electronic adjustable air speed and temperature. Is leaves the hair smooth and easy to comb. It has a fan air cooled brushless motor, solid state controls, calrod heating element and air adjustment. It also has variable air and temperature control as we all know different breeds have different coats of fur. There is many more GREAT features but you would need to look into the site.