Adopt Adorable Adult Cat for Free Til December 3,2011 at RSPCA

My mom loves to take care cats. We used to have 2 cats when we were little. Last week, she suddenly asked me to get her one since we are now all grown up and can take care of ourselves. I am guessing she is missing our 2 cute cats before especially we are not home most of the time now too. It's good that RSPCA is giving out the adoption for 2 adult cats for free! It is usually $85 or more than $200 from pet stores. I am bringing my mom at RSPCA Burwood for her to check on them not later than December 3, 2011. I am sure she will be happy for they are more than 4 months old. I hope this would help someone who is looking for adorable cats too. By the way, they are also in Peninsula so you can visit them there.