67% Savings on 5Days & 4Nights in Thailand at $299 (Valued $900)

This great offer ends an hour from now so hurry and take advantage of it. You can have 5 Days and 4 Nights in Thailand for as low as $299! It is 67% savings because it is normally priced for $900. This promotion does not include the airfare but you can have the most affordable flights through JetStar and other major airlines now. You have up to April 2012 to travel but you have to book your travel using the voucher not later than 4 months from its order date. You can't change the travel information or cancel the booking after processing it. You can buy as many discount coupons as you want. You will have 5 Days itinerary and you need to give $5 each day to your tour guide. You will visit the Temple of Emerald Buddha Long Tailed Boat Ride, Pattaya Coral Island Beach and more!