FREE 50GB Online Cloud Storage for LG Andriod Devices

Great news shoppers, there is now a FREE 50GB Online Cloud Storage for LG Andriod Devices from! This works for all LG Android Devices. If you have an existing account, all you have to do is log in from your LG Device and the 50GB upgrade will be automatically added. This also works for new users. Any new Box user will receive a free 50GB account when you download and log in to Box for Andriod on any LG Android device. Existing box will users will receive the upgrade when they log in to Box for Android to their devices. Sample devices are LG DoublePlay C729, LG Esteem MS910, LG Optimus and LG G-Slate. If you're new to Box, all you have to do is download the app to your device (take note, the device should be Android).