3d Blu-Rays of Must-See Movies made affordable!

If you are a literary and a movie connoiseur, you wouldn't mind shedding a bit of your savings to this collectible 3D Blu-ray versions of must-see films unless you don't mind being left behind. Discounted Blu-Ray items include The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug ( the prologue of the trilogy Lord of the Rings) for only $18; Gravity (2013) for $18; Monsters, inc. ( 3 discs) for $17 ; Nitro Circus the Movie at $8; Finding Nemo( 3 discs) for $17; entertainment for kids such as Jurassic Park is available at $10; Prometheus for $13; The full list of available 3d Blu Rays can be accessed at https://www.bigw.com.au/bigw/search/bigw_search_results_gall...