Save up to $221 on 365-day yearly MyKi passes ( Melbourne )

Get 10% off 365-day yearly MyKi passes and save as much as $221 . offers Melbourne public transport commuters big savings on their yearly passes and if you are one of those who use Melbourne public transport all year round, then this deal is definitely a treat. Save as much as $143 for Zone 1 Full Fare, $94.90 for Zone 2 Full Fare, $221 for Zone 1 & 2 Full Fare, Zone 1 Full Fare becomes $1,287 ($3.52 per day including weekends) and Zone 2 Full Fare becomes $854.10 ($2.34 per day including weekends) Zone 1&2 Full Fare becomes $1,989.00 ($5.45 per day including weekends).