3338 Lumens TN30 CREE XM-L2 U2 LED Flashlight: FREE Gift and Ship

The Outdoor Gear Store has a very special offer for the 3338 Lumens ThruNite TN30 CREE XM-L2 U2 LED Flashlight. Get this marvel at only $179. Already discounted and the lowest price, they also will provide you with a FREE Outdoor Knife or ThruNite Ti2 EDC Flashlight. It doesn't end there because shipping is also FREE. Just what a great outdoorsman need. This flashlight was designed for military use, so you can be assured of superior performance and durability. So get the Outdoor Knife or ThruNite Ti2 EDC Flaslight at this discounted price, and run away with the FREE gift, and FREE delivery, only from the Outdoor Gear Store.