$10 Only for Telstra SIM Starter Kit $30 Worth Recharge at Coles

Get a big savings on your phone recharge at Coles now. You can get $20 savings on Telstra SIM Starter Kit! You just need to pay $10 for it. It was originally valued for $30. Here are more deals you can enjoy: receive $220 Bonus credit for standard text, data and calls in Australia area only, enjoy 400mB of Reward Data for Australia wide only (needs a prepaid cap+ deal) and have $30 worth of recharge credit on $250 phone credit. Bear in my mind that within 30 calendar days, your unused data and credit gets forfeited. For more information about the prepaid cap+ bargain, you can check out at their website but some of them are: content fee is applicable, premium numbers are included in the plans, redirected use and calls when going overseas and more!