Buy new TV and get another one bonus! Check this out!

Hi guys, just saw this amazing deal on Campaign, thought this is worth sharing. So they are offering a bonus 23" or 32" LCD TV when purchasing TV here. The 23" or 32" version varies depending on the TV you buy. Eligible models for bonus 23" TV: 37LH50YD, 37SL80YD; 42LH50YD, 42LH35FD, 42SL80YD; 47LH50YD, 47SL80YD, 47LH80YD, 50PS30FD, 60PS40FD, 50PS70FD, 60PS60FD, 60PG70FD, 50PS80ED. Eligible models for bonus 32" TV: 42LH90QD, 47LH90QD, 42SL90QD, 47SL90QD, 55LH95QD, 55LH50YD, 55LH80YD, 55SL80YD and 60PS70FD. Delivery for bonus TV is $45. Offer is in a limited time only so if you're planning to get a new TV, better hurry up!