Check out these 2 free ebooks for guitar learners!

Planning to get guitar lesson? Why not try these ebooks at first! These ebooks will provide you from red-hot shred tabs to step-by-step tutorials on how to play and use chords and scales. Also with the wealth material, your technique and musicality will be enhanced, fingers and ears will be trained at the same time. Learn how theory, technique, and melodic development all come together, and supercharge your playing with Climbing the K2. Rather than swamping you with tons of tab exercises to sort through, Practice Power focuses on how to sort through it all in the first place, and how to save yourself countless hours in the long run by practicing the right material. And good thing is these 2 ebooks: Climbing The Key to Master The Classics and Practice Power: Secrets to Practicing and Playing Amazing Guitar by Dan Green are free to download today! Enjoy!