Pay $578 Only for 2 Dell U2412M 24" Monitors with 3Yr Warranty

Would you like to get two monitors for a price of one? We have luck today because I found this great deal at (no pun intended). I really need to get one for myself and my brother (hope, it is useful for someone here too). We can buy the Dell 24" monitors (U2412M) bundle for $578.19 only with 3 years warranty already attach to it! See, I can get two monitors plus warranty! My friend said Dell offered this monitor before without discount plus 1 year warranty only. They only gave discounted price on returns or used units. I contacted them to negotiate of getting 3 units with the offer but they emphasize that it is a bundle purchase. That made me think if I must get 2 or 4 units now to enjoy the cool bargain. Anyway, we should act fast as this is rare offer from them!