Deal on 2 airfares for the price of 1 at Jetstar

Jetstar airline is having a promotion on airfares and is offering two airfares for the price of one! The offer is valid for travel period from the 21st of October, until the 9th of December 2009. The only limitation is for public holiday weekends and you must make a booking before the 4th of march 2009, until noon. The fares are for carry on luggage only! Here is a list for fares: Departing New South Wales: Newcastle Brisbane $24.50 $49 Newcastle Melbourne (Tullamarine) $29.50 $59 Sydney Adelaide $44.50 $89 Sydney Cairns $59.50 $119 Sydney Gold Coast $34.50 $69 Sydney Hamilton Island $74.50 $149 Sydney Hobart $39.50 $79 Sydney Launceston $34.50 $69 Sydney Melbourne (Avalon) $44.50 $89 Sydney Sunshine Coast $34.50 $69 Sydney Townsville $59.50 $119 Check out the full list of fares for other territories at the Jetstar website at the booking section.