Deal on 1kg Freshly Roasted African Coffee $24.95+delivery

One of the finest new blends with some of our best beans and NOW you can have it with this amazing deal in the next four days for ONLY $24.95 for 1kg! Shipping is included all over Australia. It is one of the best blend of our newest beans from Malawi and our Ugandan Mt Elgon and Zimbabwe Crake Valley and tastes AMAZING whichever method of brewing is applied. As an espresso shot it has a nice citrus and slight cherry acidity as well as some nice malt and cocoa tones, and if you make it as a latte the sweetness from the Malawi bean and smoothness of the Zim bean is obvious, while the Ugandan gives a nice body to cut through the milk. Definitely another product we're really proud of and very excited to be offering, for further info and tasting notes please refer to the link provided.