A4apple Toys Warehouse Giveaway 18cm Wooden Kids Ruler for FREE
A4apple Toys Warehouse on Chatswood arranges a free giveaway for kids this weekend. They are offering a FREE 18 cm Wooden Kids Ruler as the giveaway product. This is a great opportunity to provide your children a Wooden Kid Ruler. There is no purchase required. Just come with your kid and get a free ruler-its that simple. Mention Ozbargain free ruler while taking the ruler. Ozbargain will provide one ruler per kid. Also there are a wide variety of products designed for the kids such as pirates, ladybugs, Bees, Fairies. Also the store has a lot of kids wooden toys, furnitures and outdoor items. Visit the store to get your desired products. Address: 68 Lower Gibbes Street Chatswood NSW 2067 Shop open: Sat and Sun only from 10 am - 4 pm.