Budget PC DEAL! OCZ Octane 128G 2.5"SSD - a steal at $89! Buy NOW

Get this really good $89 price for an OCZ Octane 2.5 128G SSD! The offer is from Budget PC and will not last for long! It is compatible with Vista 7 (32/64 bit), Window XP, Mac and Linux. It is also shock resistant and has a dimension of 99.8 x 69.63 x 9.3 mm with total weight of 83g (light, isn't it?). It has low power consumption (only 2.3W on active use and 1.2W on standby mode), and a storage temperature between -45 degrees Celsius to +85 degrees Celsius. The device also includes a 3 year warranty. So don't miss out on this offer! Get your wallet and treat yourself to an Octane!